Saturday, October 17, 2009

So i went out yesterday and it was really super duper fun and tiring.Its like my leg could come off anytime.
ao anyways,i bought dinner at macdonalds and it was full with army i was queeing up.then all of a sudden this chinese army guy and indian guy moved to the next line,where you collect your food.and im like huh?o.o
and not being racist or anything,just wanted to be specific with the guys xD
anyways..i told the india guy that he was in the wrong quee,and he moved to the righht one then the army guy was confused so i told him

me : your in the wrong quee,this is where you buy your food.your standing in the quee where you collect your food
army guy :so this is the quee?
army guy:oh,am i behind you?
me:no you were in front of me
army guy:oh*moves to the right quee*

then his friend called him a ding dong,LOL
that army guy must be embarassed with his freind calling him a ding dong xD

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