Wednesday, May 5, 2010

whoa,exams are here already?kinda fast huh?
screwed up maths paper,oh well :T

wooooooooooooooo,i got a class for Kyle Hanagami's class!:D
should i go for one more class?i feel like i want to..but its like $58...hmm..decisions,decisions...
i'll ask my dad ^^

btw i love this photobooth prank,my fav prank out of all pranks!:D

me and safarah laughed about it during recess.we kept talking bout it non-stop.LOL.
awwwww,safarah talked bout me inher recent blog post,so sweet :D

and Farahin,eventhough you cant go to Kyle's class and i know how badly you want to go,dont be sad.who knows he might come here again just like Ellen Kim and by then you have already saved up loads of $$$$$!!!
dont worry,i'll make Kyle be'll get your shoutout video!:D
i'll try to get it for you,cant promise cause you know other people will take picture with him and etc. after the class.and whatelse,im going there alone,i'll look like a loser!D:
Anyways,Look on the brighter side,Quest is coming!and you got to meet s**t kingz and shook hands with terence :P

OH,and Alicia Khoo got me addicted in watching 2D1N..bad idea cause its exam period D:
and i find it real hard not to practice my freezes..scared my arm will break ><
never mind,after exams going full out and also finding people for a crew!:D

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